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Spring is the time that the deadly diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks become even more prevalent. Two of these diseases are preventable – don’t let your pet needlessly suffer or even die.


In the hot zone … see what your state’s disease rates are.


Heartworm disease (dogs and cats): Transmitted by mosquitoes from one animal to another. Can cause heart failure and death if not treated. Treatment is expensive and the pet can still be left with permanent heart damage.

Link to Heartworm Basics

Lyme disease (dogs and horses): Transmitted by ticks. Can result in joint pain, lethargy and increase the risk of death from kidney failure. We do not fully understand the long term problems associated with Lyme disease in animals; even after treatment there is a risk of long term problems.

Link to Lyme Disease Basics


Prevention is the key!


We want to prevent these diseases in our patients. To help raise awareness we participate in Heartworm and Lyme Month promotions and pass these along to our clients.


APRIL 2016 – Heartworm Awareness Month

Call for more information and schedule an appointment:

AMS – 336-786-9444

GVC – 276-236-4212


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