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Canine Reproduction Medicine

Looking to improve conception rates in your breeding program? Blue Ridge Veterinary Services can assist you in reproduction medicine.

To help determining the optimum time to breed your dogs and enhance the success of pregnancy. We can perform vaginal cytology on female dogs to calculate the stage of estrus. This method involves taking a swab of the vaginal cells and analyzing them under a microscope. Usually more than one swab is required. Another method we can use is to perform a simple blood test to determine the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge and pinpoint the dog’s fertile period.

We provide artificial insemination services as well. Once your dog is bred, with our digital xray and ultrasound capability, we can monitor your pet throughout the pregnancy.  Xrays taken prior to delivery will help you know how many babies to expect and will give you peace of mind when delivery time comes.

Additional tests, including a thyroid analysis and Brucellosis screening, should be performed on your dog before estrus. These tests can rule out any potential problems or alert you to issues that need to be addressed before breeding. We also recommend screening for congenital defects that could be passed on. Not all purebred dogs are good breeding candidates. See the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals website for additional discussion of conditions you dog could be at risk for.

Please call and set up an appointment with one of our veterinarians to discuss how we can further assist you with your breeding program.


We have a veterinarian on call for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call the clinic and if your call is not answered directly you will receive a message instructing you how to reach the on-call doctor.

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