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Tommy’s Blog

My missing bud Forrest

By Tommy's BlogNo Comments

Ok – buddy might be an overstatement. i don’t really have any buddies. I’m the King around here.

BUT, Forrest did hang out on my bench.

Forrest is a friendly black cat who would sometimes frequent the area around our clinic. When we were notified that he was missing we become concerned that he might have “hiched a ride” from our parking lot in someone’s car. If you have seen him let us know.

If he happened to ride home with you, you do not need to relinquish him. His caretaker just wants to know that he is safe! (You know, not roaming the streets hungry and all. I can’t imagine being hungry.)

Thanks for helping – I’ve gotta look after my friends.


Tom Tom

It’s an Avalanche

By Tommy's BlogNo Comments

For about a month now we have had another cat stealing all my attention. Avalanche (Real creative for a white cat, huh? Almost as creative as my name … Humans.) has been hanging around here after she came down with something they call Toxoplasmosis. I did feel a little bad for her since she was really hungry and couldn’t make her mouth work. She couldn’t walk or see very well. Lydia, Katie, Peggy and the rest of the crew all took turns feeding her every few hours and giving her medicine. I guess now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on her, since I can’t imagine being hungry and not being able to eat! I get upset when my dinner is 30 minutes late. Anyway she is feeling better now-everyone cheered when she finally was able to lick some food up. Now they are letting her exercise her legs by turning her loose in MY clinic. It’s mean, but at least she is still easy to run away from. That’s the news around here. Speaking of food, I think I’ll check out the break room … Peace out.

Tom Tom

Tommy’s New Blog

By Tommy's BlogNo Comments

Well I’m supposed to find time in my busy day of lounging and supervising to write this blog so I guess I’ll get started. I became the clinic cat after someone found me with about a week old gunshot wound in my leg. I was such a good guy for all the good treatments on my leg that they decided to keep me. Of course, now that I’m here to stay I’m not always so easy going.  I like to compare myself to Garfield, especially with my attitude, and I will not hesitate to bite someone when I get tired of being messed with. And of course the staff loves to tease me when they see I am in a bad mood. I see lots of very interesting things here and will tell you all about them in my blogs. Well, I know you will all be on pins and needles waiting to hear about my daily life. So, I will write another blog later, right now I need to steal Marti’s warm seat since she just got up. Peacin’ out.

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